In early 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic devastated communities, BSF's founder and CEO, DeMilo Young, recognized the disproportionate impact on small BIPOC business owners who were largely excluded from federal relief efforts. In response, BSF stepped in to provide emergency hardship grants and marketing resources to 18 BIPOC-owned businesses. While this support was crucial in the short term, we soon realized that addressing the root causes of systemic inequities required a broader and more sustained effort, especially for BIPOC youth and their families.

As we listened to our community, it became clear that the long-term outcomes for BIPOC youth were deeply affected by systemic barriers in education, access to resources, and social support. In 2021, we shifted our focus to directly empowering BIPOC youth and their families through initiatives that are intentionally designed to address these inequities. Our Explore Next Door Youth Enrichment Program and the SOAR Afterschool Program were created to provide BIPOC youth with the educational support, mentorship, and opportunities they need to thrive. These programs are not just about academic achievement; they are about creating safe, nurturing environments where young people can see themselves reflected in their mentors and feel empowered to overcome the challenges they face.

What sets BSF apart is our holistic approach to youth development, integrating not just academics but also social-emotional learning, cultural pride, and outdoor experiences that connect students to their environment and heritage. Our programs are designed to be immersive and transformative, offering students not just a place to learn but a place to belong. We partner with local organizations, educators, and community leaders to ensure our programs are culturally relevant and responsive to the needs of the community.

To date, BSF has served 3,774 individuals, with a focus on BIPOC youth, their families, and small business owners across San Diego. Our impact is measurable—students in our programs consistently report increased confidence, academic improvement, and a stronger sense of identity and community. We don’t just aim to level the playing field; we are committed to redesigning it, ensuring that every young person has access to the resources and opportunities they deserve.

Moreover, we actively engage with the communities we serve by conducting regular focus groups and feedback sessions to refine and adapt our programs. This ensures that our initiatives are not only effective but also driven by the voices of those we serve.  BSF is dedicated to building a stronger, more equitable community where every young person has the opportunity to thrive, and where the long-term outcomes for BIPOC families are significantly improved.

Photo of the BIPOC Support Foundation TeamMaking A Community Strong and Resourceful article by Karen Pearlman